High Encryption Standard
Title: High Encryption Standard (H.E.S.)
Status: Developed, Expansions In-Development, Patented, and Available For License.
Patent: U.S. 8,458,452 Click Here To View PDF
Owner: James Morgan
Inventor: James Morgan
Tags: Keyless, Unbreakable, Prearranged Channel, Encryption
About: —
What is it?
This patent embodies not just the next generation of encryption technology, but represents the pinnacle of prearranged channel data security. This applies to communications and data storage. This means that every unit (piece of software) is a uniquely constructed channel, which can only decrypt data that has been encrypted by itself or matching units.
Why it is needed?
All current cryptographic technologies require the transmission of a key between parties to allow access to encrypted data. Therefore, the security of a file cannot be greater than the security of its key. Even if this key is prearranged, the number of uses of that key must be extremely limited in order to maintain practical security. Eventually, computer technology will advance to a point that will allow certain parties to crack passwords by brute force (trying all possible passwords.) Additionally, many of the current implementations of existing ciphers are suspected of having back-doors built in.
What is similar?
The only cryptographic system that I am aware of that operates in a similar fashion is called One-Time Pad (OTP.) This system is the only method that is currently considered to be unbreakable when properly implemented. The down side is that the pad (effectively a key) must still be transmitted between parties, or the pad data has been already been stockpiled. In the case of stockpiled pad data, there is a finite amount of data that can be encrypted from a given stockpile. This hampers heavy long-term use of a channel.
Why is my technology better?
My technology is a key-less cryptographic system. Since there is no key to transmit, the key is no longer a weak point in the total security of the system. By its design, my system cannot be brute forced. My technology can withstand infinite computational power. The security of an encrypted file can achieve the same level of security as OTP without the need to transmit or store pad data. Additionally, there is no degradation of security with heavy long-term use of a channel. When properly implemented, my method of encryption does not allow a cipher encryption style back-door to be embedded. Also note, that since every unit is individually constructed with unique random data-sets and other parameters, a security breach to a channel, has no effect on the security of other channels.
What are the downsides to my technology?
One downside is the maximum individual encrypted file size. This means that if a unit is constructed to support individual files up to 10MB, that a file larger then that size must be broken into smaller files to allow full Shannon security. The maximum file size of units can be altered to support larger maximum file sizes if needed. The process of splitting and recombining files can also be made seamless by design thereby countering this as a drawback. The other downside is that this technology is designed as a prearranged channel system. This limits the versatility while maximizing the security.
What applications does this fit?
Long or short term data storage, secure e-mail, database security, military ship communications, drone control, wireless security, satellite control, telemetry, health record storage or transmission, and much more.
In conclusion, I believe that the owner of this technology could become the front runner in data security with the technology this patent covers. I have already developed proper implementations of this patent and can offer demonstration units for inspection upon request. Imagine internal business communications and databases being unassailable into the future; even to government entities. Imagine ISPs being able to offer truly secure premium e-mail and search accounts to privacy demanding users. This is the future of digital security.
– James P. Morgan (2013)
To discuss licensing options, or purchase Morgan Dynamic Research implementations of this patent, please contact us.